Custom Faces

Part of

2020 Covid Medal

These faces are constructed primarily for the 2020 Covid Medal to be printable on standard a4 copy paper and reassembled prior to shooting the weekly rounds.

All of the targets have been distance adjusted to be the equivalent of shooting an 18m round at either 40cm full face, or 40cm 5-ring, at the archer's relavent short distance.

Arrow diameter adjusted Vegas style 3-spot for Compound, Vegas style 3-spot for recurve/traditional, and full face for recurve/traditional, are also represented.

If your arrow size to distance is not available in this collection you may contact Russ.

Instructions for a4 Targets

  1. Locate the correct target using links below.
  2. Click to open target on screen or shift+click to download it.
  3. Ctrl+p to print from browser.
  4. After pages have finished printing roughly assenble to ensure all relevant areas have printed correctly.
  5. Scissors, scissors, scissors. Pages with area of these little scissors need to be trimmed in that location so as not to cover other areas of the target. This area is always bounded by a broken line.
    tiny little targets for glueing. These little targets are on every multiple a4 page target. They indicate the area and boundary where glue needs to be applied to fix the next page in place. This area is always bounded by a solid line.
  6. Trim any areas which need to be trimmed.
  7. Use a dry, paper, Glue stick to join the areas of the target together where indicated.

Tip:Because standard photocopy paper can tear easily when removing arrows from it try pasting the whole target to a sheet of carboard.

Follow these links to the targets:

Compound Targets Remember to always observe safe shooting practice Recurve Targets